Saturday 22 November 2014

The untouchables - Powerful Paedophiles and British Military Terrorists

For some time now I've been thinking about the similarities between Britain's VIP paedophiles and Britain's Military Terrorists.

Both Powerful Paedophiles and British Military Terrorists are, in my mind, archetypal examples of Britain's "Criminal State" in action.

What are the common features of the Powerful Paedophile and the British Military Terrorist?

Being "untouchable" is a first common feature.

An assumption of being able to injure and kill others without being held to account for their actions, too, is a common feature.

Cover-up of their actions by the Police is a further common feature.

Cover-up by bodies such as the Independent Police Complaints Commission is a fourth common feature.

Inadequate reporting by much of the mainstream media is a fifth common feature.

Protection by the actions or failures to act of the Attorney General and Director of Public Prosecutions and the Crown Prosecution Service is shaping up to be a sixth common factor.

For readers of my blog on the UK Child Abuse Inquiry the factors stated will be pretty obvious in their application to child abuse.

  1. Powerful paedophiles operated for years and were, in effect, untouchable
  2. In recent weeks it's become increasingly clear that powerful paedophiles, at least at times, resorted to murder either for pleasure or to demonstrate their power
  3. The Police around the UK protected the powerful paedophiles e.g. the seizure of the Barbara Castle dossier from Don Hale
  4. The mainstream media have been worryingly silent on the issue of child abuse by powerful paedophiles. Most coverage, until very recently has been by the tabloid press and, outstandingly, by Exaro News. Honourable exceptions in the mainstream media include the articles by Nick Davies which I refer to here: I didn't know. I simply didn't know
  5. The role of the former Attorney General Michael Havers and the former Director of Public Prosecution Thomas Hetherington in the cover-up of child abuse relating to Kincora and Sir Peter Hayman will come readily to mind.

They may be less sure what I mean by British Military Terrorism and how the listed factors apply to British Military Terrorism and British Military Terrorists.

If you're unsure what I mean by British Military Terrorism a good place to start is perhaps my blog post entitled,
Sergeant Alexander Blackman: One man's hero is another man's terrorist

One man's hero is, indeed, another man's terrorist.

But, I believe, it is not fanciful to label Sergeant Blackman a terrorist.

The Iraq War was terrorism in my view:
Was the Iraq War "terrorism" in UK Law?

David Cameron's air strikes in Iraq are also terrorism:
The air strikes in Iraq are unlawful, contrary to the lies David Cameron told the House of Commons

Mr. Cameron's untouchable status is facilitated by a deception perpetrated, in effect, on the House of Commons by the Attorney General, Jeremy Wright:
Unlawful UK air strikes in Iraq - Letter of 25th September 2014 to UK Attorney General and Solicitor General

And, it seems, that Mr. Cameron's terrorism in Iraq is being unlawfully concealed by Chief Constable Chris Sims and Assistant Chief Constable Marcus Beale of West Midlands Police:
RAF Terrorism in Iraq - Section 56 offences by David Cameron MP and Michael Fallon MP reported to West Midlands Police

Police protection of powerful terrorists, specifically British Military Terrorists, is not new. See, for example, my letter of 2nd February 2010 to Sir Paul Stephenson and the then Assistant Commissioner John Yates:
Terrorism Act 2000 Section 56 offences etc - Letter of 2nd February 2010 to Sir Paul Stephenson and John Yates

I also wrote to the Independent Police Complaints Commission asking them to review what I believe to have been the unlawful cover-up of British Military Terrorism by Sir Paul Stephenson and John Yates. That, too, was blocked by what I view as unlawful actions by Deborah Glass and Graeme Thame.

I am currently attempting to bring a private prosecution against David Cameron and Michael Fallon with respect to the ongoing British Military Terrorism in Iraq.

Private prosecution of David Cameron MP and Michael Fallon MP for offences contrary to Section 56 Terrorism Act 2000
for a copy of my request for the formal Consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The Law requires that I seek both the Consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Permission of the Attorney General before I can bring a private prosecution of Mr. Cameron and Mr. Fallon.

Will those in the System seek to protect Mr.Cameron and Mr. Fallon from prosecution of their offences contrary to Section56 of the Terrorism Act 2000? I fully expect that they will.

The parallels I draw between the untouchable Powerful Paedophile and the untouchable British Military Terrorist aren't exact but, in my view, they deserve careful thought.

In a democracy is it acceptable that powerful paedophiles and British Military Terrorists should, in effect, have been above the Law?

I believe it is totally unaceptable. Your view may differ.